Thursday, 17 October 2013

Oh, autumn... Hey, where did you go?

I've been enjoying some beautiful, sunny autumn days and their exquisite colours. Maples are my favourite kind of trees and it must be because of their autumn colours why I love this time of the year. But, before I noticed, the days were turning bleak. And I realised I hadn't taken a single photo! So finally I took some, but a little too late. The colours weren't what they had been a while ago. It's getting colder all the time, and although it's raining now, I think there will be snow soon.

A dear friend of mine had her birthday a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't be there to celebrate it with her, but I made her these. I miss her. They're made of Finullgarn's Rauma, the Ravelry project can be found here.

And, this was also a couple of weeks ago. I do like certain traditions, and I think the Swedish Kanelbullens dag - a day dedicated to cinnamon rolls - is a good one. I enjoyed a cappuccino and a large cinnamon roll with a friend at Café Linné Hörnan, a cosy café here in Uppsala. The lovely kanelbulle made me forget that I should take some photos inside the beautiful café. Well, here's one from the outside.

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